Gay bar baltimore karoke

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“Landmark Partners has assumed ownership of Grand Central at 1001-1003 N. Hayes released a statement from the new owners, a group called Landmark Partners LLC, saying the club will stay open until the new owners are ready to begin construction on their office project. He later identified the buyers as Jon Pannoni and George Watson and referred questions to Marc Hayes, who has been serving as the club’s general manager while the property was under contract, and has continued to manage the club for the new owners. A purchase price was not disclosed.ĭavis posted a note on Facebook stating that Grand Central’s sale was finalized on Feb. 28, following former owner Don Davis’ decision to retire and move out of state. The nearly 15,000-square-foot club changed hands on Feb. Charles Street to an office building with retail space at street level. Baltimore will lose its largest gay nightclub when new owners start converting Grand Central at 1001-1003 N.

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